Pastor Becky Cota
Office & Finance Manager
Estalee Villarreal
Media+Production Director, Yuma Family Pumpkin Patch Coordinator, Celebrate Recovery
Pastor Shane McCormic
Worship & Tech
Genesis Badilla
Lead Photographer + Videographer, Social Media Director + Website Manager
Kalisa Cota
Administrative Assistant + Children's Ministry Leader
Kassidy Chairez
Children's Ministry Leader
Genesis Felix
Pre-School Ministry Leader
Jerry "Butch" Koretz
Celebrate Recovery + Maintenance Care
 Church is more than just a building. It's made up of the people within. We are passionate about building God's House and seeing His Kingdom established in the hearts of all people. Champion is a Life-Giving church that is influencing and transforming our world by loving God and His people with all our Heart, soul and mind; therefore loving our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus so selflessly loved us unconditionally so because of that, We LOVE! Following the steps of Jesus. Equipping others to live the Champion Life they were created for.